Monday, November 14, 2011


  • 1.Some adj. used to describe Steve Jobs were ; genius , intelligent, inspirational, bully, monomaniacal . Some of these can contradict themselves because although his personality may have appeared negatively to others some would say his product spoke for itself.
  •  2.Steve Jobs was also involved with Next and Pixar and Microsoft.
  •  3.Steve Jobs' personality was more dominant and outspoken then Bill Gates' , This shows in their business because Steve Jobs was more willing to take risk and advertise his products better than others.
  • 4.People in the film felt that Steve was a bully and that his personality was mean. They also said he used people be taking credit for things he didn't do.
  • 5.He had a natural eye for things and knew who to hire to make those things into a product, he also was an excellent marketer and advertiser. He knew how to sell his product and receive a huge profit for it.
  • 6. Jobs helped revolutionize the music industry, the phone industry, the film industry, and the computer industry.
  • 7. Yes because without him and apple a lot of the things we use today wouldn't be as advanced and , we may not know the advantages that come with technology.
  • 8. We use the apple products today on the computer and with our listining devices such as the ipod and iphone.

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