Monday, December 5, 2011


When writing an essay , there are some tips you should follow in order to get a good grade.                            

Start early and budget your time-
When writing an essay its important to budget your time. Starting early can be brainstorming ideas as well as figuring out how your going to budget your time. There may be other tasks involved with the essay, such as reading or research. In this case, the sooner you start the better. Some essays consume a lot of time, so its important to schedule breaks or rest time in between writing assignments.        

Clearly Understanding the Assignment-
Its  important to understand the topic assigned. Analyze the topic and all the words to fully understand what's required. Annotating may help as well. You may want to underline or highlight key words or phrases that pop out. Then think about how they relate to the reading.

Organize Your Research Materials and Thoughts-Thoroughly read through the materials. You should also organize all the information your using for the assignment. A good way to start is by highlighting the key information and make some notes of this material. The material you find should help solidify your thoughts.                                                                                                        

Learn by Example- If you are confused about how to write the essay, or how to approach it than look for examples. Read other essays that will help you understand how to organize and present the information. Look for how the author introduces the topic, shows the idea, and states a clear conclusion. 

Don't Plagiarize. Keep track of any quotes or citations-Do not copy other peoples work. simply rearranging words or copying sentences is considered plagiarism.

Write A Quick Draft all the way through-Focus on getting all your ideas on paper. It's okay not to stress over a perfect introduction or conclusion. Double check to make sure all the information needed is in the draft. Write as if you were talking to another person. Keep in mind you will have time to revise and edit.

Write Multiple Drafts-Think about whether or not you need to rearrange the structure. If you have more experience with writing you may be able to skip a few steps. Be sure to make merged sentences flow. When finished, look and make sure that the overall ideas and sentences flow.

Clarify of Thoughts and Clarify of Words-Since writing is a away to express thought, sloppy use of language may imply sloppy thinking. Writs active sentences with active verbs. Make sure to communicate with a consistent tone. Look up words you don't understand so that you don't ruin your essay.

Format and Presentation count-It would be a shame to get a lower grade because you did not meet the guidelines or used improper formats. Use a word processor and spellcheck the work. Print it out on paper and then check it again. You may be amazed at how many mistakes you have even after you thought the work was edited.

Think Differently- Get to know your topic, and make sure you truly understand it. Maybe you have a different take on the assignment topic. Most importantly you must know yourself. Find things that interest you and find your voice.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Top Ten Essay Tips

10.Start early and budget your time. But starting early can mean simply thinking through and budgeting your time. If there is reading and research involved, then the sooner the better.
9.Clearly understanding the assignment. If the paper topic is assigned, it is important to clearly understand the assignment. Analyze the topic word by word to understand the requirements and scope of work. You might want to underline key words in the assignment and think about how they relate to the reading 
8.Organize your research materials and your thoughts. Not only do you have to read the materials but also you have to clearly organize the information that you are using from other sources. Start by highlighting key points and making notes of these points. As you gather these materials your thoughts should solidify.
7.Learn by Example. If you are confused about writing essays or how to approach the subject matter look for examples. Read other essays to help you understand how to organize and present the information. Look at how the author introduces the topic, develops the idea and provides a clear conclusion. Is there a logical approach to the paper? Does it flow like a conversation or a good lecture? How does the writer make the topic interesting? 
6. Don't Plagiarize. Keep track of any quotes or citations. Do not copy other people's work in any way without the proper citations. Do not simply take someone else's work and change a few words around.
5. Write a quick draft all the way through. Don’t worry too much about the introduction or conclusion. Focus on getting your ideas on paper. Double check to be sure that you get all the material on the page in some form. Write in your own voice, as you would talk to a friend. Write this knowing that you will have time to review and rewrite. If you are prone to rambling or poor grammar, you will need the time to review and rewrite.
4. Write multiple drafts. Think about whether you need to rearrange the structure. If you are an experienced writer you may be able to skip a step here. If you reorganize by cut and paste, be sure to integrate the merged sentences to flow. And look at the overall flow of ideas and words. 
3. Clarity of thoughts and economy of words. Writing concisely and clearly forces you to think more clearly. Since language is a tool to express thought, sloppy use of language may imply sloppy thinking. To make every word count, write active sentences with active verbs. But at the same time communicate with a consistent tone. Look-up words that you are unsure about so that you don’t undermine your paper with one glaringly wrong word. 
2. Format and Presentation Count. If you are unsure of your school's standards for essays you should get a copy of the guidelines and review them. It would be a shame to get a lower grade for having improper margins or footnote styles. Use a word processor and spell check the work. Print it out on paper and then check it again the next day. You may be amazed at how many mistake you might find even after you thought the work was edited. 
1. Think Differently (to paraphrase Apple's marketing wizards). Spend time with the topic and the research. Do you have an angle on the subject that differs from the professor and sources you have read? Will the professor give you leeway to come-up with your own take on the assignment. But more importantly you must know yourself. Find the things that interest you and find your voice. If you have a unique take on the material you might want to run your ideas past the professor. Original thinking is not as easy as it might seem. As a student you may think you have a new idea that is actually not at all original. Sometimes comparing two ideas leads to a new way of thinking that outside the box.

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28,2011

The more, the merrier is certainly true for Ziona Chana, a 66-year-old man in India's remote northeast with 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren -- and he wouldn't mind having more. They all live in a four story building with 100 rooms in a mountainous village in Mizoram state, sharing borders with Myanmar and Bangladesh, media reports said. Many people would find this offensive , why would women want to share their husbands?

Friday, November 18, 2011



  • Nike got their slogan from a man on trial for murder who said "Lets Do It" Nike changed it to Just Do It
  • Apple spent 7 billion dollars on billboards
  • Advertisements helped make Tommy Hilfiger famous
  • Advertisements are like art
  • One of the most famous advertising companies is Widen Kennedy

By comparing tommy to the greatest in a fill-in-the-blank advertisement it sparked outrage as well as interest everywhere. This motivated Tommy to work harder than he ever did before. From this he created some of his best clothing designs yet.

It cost 2.7 million because your advertising to all the people thats there plus the people watching at home.

Advertisement is like art because it can be presented in many different ways. It takes time and effort to produce a unique finishing product.

The motto persuaded people to "just do" all the things they were afraid to do. It was successful because it meant more to people than just a slogan for a brand.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Gingrich can't verify how much Freddie paid him
URBANDALE, Iowa -- Former House Speaker Newt Gingrichacknowledged an extended consulting relationship with mortgage giant Freddie Mac, though he said he couldn't verify just how much he or his firm received in fees.

NYC Occupy ranks thin after crackdown
NEW YORK — Less than two dozen Occupy Wall Street protesters stayed overnight Wednesday in a downtown park that had been home to hundreds before the city cleared the site and banned tents, sleeping bags and lying down.
Filthy fitness: 'Mud runs' soar in popularity
Obstacle races like the Warrior Dash have exploded in popularity over the last decade, with hundreds all over the country. The first Warrior Dash, in Joliet, Ill., in 2009, sold out with 2,000 participants.
White House shooting suspect arrested
Secret Service said the 21-year-old suspect in White House shooting was arrested at Pennsylvania hotel Wednesday.
Police arrest mother in death of Missouri tot
AFFTON, Mo. — Police investigating the death of a 13-month-old boy arrested the baby's mother early Wednesday, a day after his body was discovered near a suburban St. Louis cemetery.
Syria tensions rise as army defectors attack security complex
AMMAN, Jordan — Syrian army defectors attacked an intelligence complex on the edge of Damascus early on Wednesday, the first such reported assault on a major security facility in the eight-month uprising against President Bashar Assad, activists said.
18 preschoolers killed in crammed China bus crash
BEIJING — At least 18 kindergarten kids and two adults were killed Wednesday when a school bus with just nine seats but crammed with 64 people crashed on its way to class in western China, state media reported
Obama insists US does not fear China
CANBERRA, Australia —President Barack Obama insisted Wednesday that the notion that the United States fears China or wants to exclude the growing power from American economic alliances in the Asia-Pacific region is mistaken.
Tiger, Steve matchup gets thrown out early
MELBOURNE, Australia – You’ve heard of the “Thrilla in Manila?” The “Rumble in the Jungle?” Well, this has all the trappings of the “Duel Down Under.” The “Sandbelt Skirmish.” The “Blue at Black Rock.”
Penn State names David Joyner acting athletic director
With the firing of Joe Paterno and the arrestof athletic director Tim Curley on perjury and failure to report charges, associate athletic director Mark Sherburne had taken over control of Penn State’s athletic department on an interim basis.

Monday, November 14, 2011


JOURNALISM - Journalist report and investigate events to be published for the people to read. Journalist write to inform the reader on a variety of subjects. This may include: Government, Business, Culture, Arts and Entertainment. Journalist may use newspapers, magazines, or the internet to get the word out.
FREELANCER- Freelancers are self employed. However, they are represented by a company that resells their product. Some freelancers are either independent or have an agreement with their employer either verbally or written. Some degrees used in this profession is a Master in Professional writing.
 PRODUCTION MANAGER- Production management is considered a sub-division of stagecraft. the people apart of this team are responsible for managing the set , while realizing the vision of who ever is putting the performance together.
ADVERTISEMENTS- A form of communication used to persuade an audience to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services.
COPY EDITOR- The work that an editor does to improve formatting, style, and accuracy of text. Copy editing is done before both typesetting and proofreading.
CORRESPONDENT-A journalist or commentator, an agent who contributes reports to a newspaper, radio, television news, or any other type of company from a remote, often distant location.
ILLUSTRATOR- A narrative artist who specializes in enhancing writing by providing a visual representation that corresponds to 
the content of the text.

SALESMAN-The provider of the goods or services.

BLOGGER-A person who writes a blog, a web services for publishing blogs.
NEWS ANCHOR-A person who presents the news during a news program in the format of a television show, on the radio or on the internet.
PRODUCER- Oversees the making of films
PHOTOJOURNALIST- One who practices photojournalism which is form of journalism that creates images in order to tell a story.
COLUMNIST-A journalist who writes for publication in a series, creating an article that usually offers commentary and opinions


  • 1.Some adj. used to describe Steve Jobs were ; genius , intelligent, inspirational, bully, monomaniacal . Some of these can contradict themselves because although his personality may have appeared negatively to others some would say his product spoke for itself.
  •  2.Steve Jobs was also involved with Next and Pixar and Microsoft.
  •  3.Steve Jobs' personality was more dominant and outspoken then Bill Gates' , This shows in their business because Steve Jobs was more willing to take risk and advertise his products better than others.
  • 4.People in the film felt that Steve was a bully and that his personality was mean. They also said he used people be taking credit for things he didn't do.
  • 5.He had a natural eye for things and knew who to hire to make those things into a product, he also was an excellent marketer and advertiser. He knew how to sell his product and receive a huge profit for it.
  • 6. Jobs helped revolutionize the music industry, the phone industry, the film industry, and the computer industry.
  • 7. Yes because without him and apple a lot of the things we use today wouldn't be as advanced and , we may not know the advantages that come with technology.
  • 8. We use the apple products today on the computer and with our listining devices such as the ipod and iphone.